The most common operation for this purpose is sleeve gastrectomy.
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Assoc. Dr. Ibrahim Sakçak
He was born in 1966 in Sungurlu. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Sungurlu, Ödemiş and Ankara.
He graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1989. Between 1989-1990, he served as a compulsory service in Erzurum Oltu district. In 1995, SB. He completed his General Surgery specialization training at Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, 5th Surgery Clinic.
After working at Çorum State Hospital, Anamur State Hospital, Adıyaman State Hospital, he became a SB in 2008. He was appointed to Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital. He was among the first surgeons to perform laparoscopic surgeries at Çorum State Hospital. In 2009, he received interventional Endoscopy training at Kafkas University Faculty of Medicine.
Obesity Surgery Patient Videos
Things to know about Obesity Surgery and Tube Stomach Surgery and the right known mistakes..
The Happiness of Getting Rid of Obesity
They understood how safe bariatric surgery as stomach reduction surgery is in safe hands.
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Stomach Tube Surgery
Gastric Sleeve Surgery, also known as gastric sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy), is a type of bariatric (for overweight or obese people) surgery. This is a procedure in which a large portion of the stomach is removed and the remaining portion is reshaped into a thin tube or “sheath”. The aim is to significantly reduce stomach volume, thereby limiting the amount of food eaten and therefore calorie intake. Gastric sleeve surgery is used especially in cases of obesity that cannot be controlled by diet and exercise. This procedure is usually performed by a laparoscopic method, that is, only small incisions are made in the patient’s abdominal wall, which ensures faster recovery and less risk of complications.✅ Stomach Tube Surgery | ✅ Sleeve Gastrectomy |
✅ Stomach Reduction Surgery | ✅ Tube Stomach Surgery Prices |
✅ Assoc. Dr. Ibrahim Sakçak | ✅ Stomach Reduction Surgery Prices |
✅ Obesity Surgery Ankara | ✅ Bariatric Surgery |
✅ Tube Stomach Surgery Ankara | ✅ Stomach Reduction Surgery Ankara |
Body Mass Index Calculator
Frequently Asked Questions in Tube Stomach Surgery
Sleeve Gastrectomy is the most effective surgical procedure to get rid of excess weight. Stomach sleeve surgery accounts for seventy percent of all surgeries performed for obesity worldwide. In this form, it is the most frequently performed obesity surgery. The main reason for this is that it is easier to perform compared to other obesity surgeries and its results are at a level that meets the expected weight loss.
Stomach sleeve surgery; It is a laparoscopic, that is, closed surgery. Gastric sleeve surgery can be completed in 30 to 40 minutes.
The removed part makes up 75-80% of the stomach. What remains is a tube-like gastric sleeve as thin as the diameter of our index finger. The remaining stomach resembles a sausage or banana shape. Removing most of the stomach limits the amount of food we can eat and helps you feel full faster.
The removed part of the stomach also produces the hunger hormone normally known as Ghrelin. Removing this part of your stomach reduces this appetite-stimulating hormone and, as a result, often reduces appetite. Since there are no other anatomical arrangements, the remaining stomach allows for normal digestion and absorption. Unlike other procedures that reorganize the intestines, people with a gastric sleeve have a minimal risk of developing protein and vitamin deficiencies.
Must be between 18 and 65 years of age
Patients with BMI ≥40 without any concomitant disease ,
BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2 patients with one or more co-morbidities (Type-2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, sleep apnea, obesity hypoventilation syndrome, fatty liver) disease, steatohepatitis, pseudotumor cerebri, reflux, asthma, venous stasis disease, urinary incontinence, arthritis, decrease in quality of life),
BMI between 30-35 kg/m2 and diabetes and metabolic It can be applied in patients with syndrome. ="faq-question-1686214612897">How Much Pain Is After Tube Stomach Surgery?
Most surgical procedures are a amount of pain. As a result of the experience and knowledge of our clinic, special efforts are made to ensure that our patients experience minimal or even no pain. We use a variety of innovative techniques to reduce or even eliminate post-operative pain. A technique we pioneered for bariatric patients applies combined pain relief. Pain is felt very little with both intravenous pain relievers and intramuscular pain relievers. It usually uses a long-acting anesthetic that reduces postoperative pain.
After the surgery, the patient usually stays in the hospital for 2-3 days. If there is no problem, the patient is removed from the hospital by removing the drain. 1 week after leaving the hospital, we make the first control in our clinic. Regular follow-up of the doctor and dietician are carried out after the surgery.
It is very important to follow up the patients regularly after the surgery. In these follow-ups, we monitor the progress of our patients. The dietician of our clinic questions the patient's diet and informs them about the wrong behaviors.
It is recommended to use multivitamins for the first 6 months after the surgery. For the first year after the operation, we recommend that you give a blood test every 3 months for control purposes. In the following years, an annual control is recommended. In these assays, whole blood, biochemistry, vitamins and hormones are requested. If any laboratory result is different from normal, your doctor will prescribe the necessary vitamins or other drugs for you.
In about a year, the ideal weight and fat ratio for the patient's height and age reaches. Excessive weight loss is almost never observed after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. One year after the operation, the stomach naturally grows by 10%. A person who can be satisfied with two spoons of soup or 2 meatballs in the first month after the surgery can eat half a bowl of soup or five or six meatballs in a year. This will reduce the weight lost in the process and return to the ideal weight.
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